Philips 4th Annual Spectral CT and AI Virtual Summit
Spectral CT and AI Virtual Summit - Video Library
Oncology Imaging
Spectral CT in daily oncology practice: Lessons learned from 7 years experience
Dr. Nils Große Hokamp, MD, PhD, MBA, EdiR
Associate Professor of Radiology & Experimental Radiology, University Hospital Cologne, Germany
Benefits of Spectral CT in head and neck cancer
Dr. Frédérique Dubrulle, Md, PhD
Head & Neck Radiology Unit Manager, University CHU Lille, France
Benefits of Spectral CT in Image Guided Interventions and Interventional Oncology
Dr. Brian T. Welch, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA
Vascular & Cardiovascular Imaging
Spectral CT in daily vascular practice: Lessons learned from 7 years experience
Prof. dr. Birgitta Velthuis, MD, PhD, EBCR
Professor of Cardiovascular & Neurovascular Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Benefits of Spectral imaging in Cardiac CT and myocardium assessment
Dr. Sara Boccalini, MD, PhD
Radiologist, HCL Lyon, France
Seeing the heart in a new light: Spectral CT and its potential in cardiac imaging
Dr. Jean Jeudy, MD, PhD
Professor & Vice Chair of Informatics, University of Maryland Medical Center, USA
Emergency Medicine Imaging
Emergency Imaging: A look in the rear-view mirror after seven years of Spectral CT use
Prof. Emmanuel Coche, MD, PhD
Associate Director of Department of Radiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
Spectral CT in the ED: A Live Case Review
Dr. Gopal Punjabi, MD
Chief of Radiology, Hennepin Healthcare, USA
How Al can ease fracture detection in CT images
Prof. Jean-Baptiste Pialat, MD, PhD
Chef du Service de Radiologie, HCL Lyon, France
Spotlight on Lung Cancer Screening Programs
Mobile Lung Cancer Screening for High-Risk Populations
Dr. Mary Reid, BSN, MSPH, PhD
Chief of Cancer Screening, Survivorship and Mentorship, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA
SmartSpeed-Image Quality and Speed
MCVI Experience with SmartSpeed
Constantino Pena, MD
Medical Director of Vascular Imaging, Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute
Carlos Avila, M.S.
Clinical Specialist, Cardiac MRI department, Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute
MultiNuclei Imaging-Seamless Integration
Low gamma nuclei to detect muscle disease and therapy
Glenn A Walter, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair of Physiology and Aging-University of Florida Amris
Use of MNS for pulmonary MRI-a story of translation and FDA approval
Jason C Woods, PhD
Director of Research, Pulmonary Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Translational Multi-nuclear Imaging in Lymphedema and Lipedema
Rachelle Cresenzi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science
Dr. Nils Große Hokamp, MD, PhD, MBA, EdiR
Associate Professor of Radiology & Experimental Radiology, University Hospital Cologne, Germany
Dr. Frédérique Dubrulle, MD, PhD
Head & Neck Radiology Unit
Manager, University Hospital
CHU Lille, Franc
Dr. Brian T. Welch, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiology,
Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA
Prof. Birgitta Velthuis, MD, PhD, EBCR
Professor of Cardiovascular &
Neurovascular Radiology,
University Medical Center
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dr. Sara Boccalini, MD, PhD
Radiologist HCL Lyon, France
Dr. Jean Jeudy, MD, PhD
Professor & Vice Chair of
Informatics, University of
Maryland Medical Center, USA
Prof. Emmanuel Coche, MD, PhD
Associate Director of
Department of Radiology,
Cliniques Universitaires
Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Jean-Baptiste Pialat, MD, PhD
Chef du Service de Radiologie, HCL Lyon, France
Dr. Gopal Punjabi, MD
Chief of Radiology, Hennepin
Healthcare, USA
Dr. Mary Reid, BSN, MSPH, PhD
Chief of Cancer Screening,
Survivorship and Mentorship,
Roswell Park Comprehensive
Cancer Center, USA
Constantino Pena, MD
Medical Director of Vascular imaging-Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute
Carlos Avila, M.S.
Clinical Specialist, Cardiac MRI department, Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute
Glenn A Walter, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair of
Physiology and Aging-University
of Florida Amris
Jason C Woods, PhD
Director of Research, Pulmonary Medicine-Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Rachelle Cresenzi, PhD
Assistant Professor-Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science
Dr. Julia Dmitrieva
Clinical Portfolio Leader for Precision Diagnosis Philips